Friday, December 17, 2010




俗话说:"积极的人像太阳,找到哪里哪里亮:消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样。" 心态是我们真正的主人,它能使我们成功,也能使我们失败。心态好比是情绪和意志的遥控器,决定着一个人的生活方向和质量。"你的心态就是你生活的主人,他决定了你是否生活得幸福。" 这是一位哲人说过的话。因此,你生活得好与坏,关键在于你自己所选择的心态。





Saturday, December 4, 2010


今天下午,大约3pm 左右,家里突然停电。不过,天气还是凉凉的,因为是下雨天。我觉得有点累,不知不觉地就睡着了。大约4.30pm左右,电就来了。我马上开冷气和风扇继续睡了。哈哈。。我想应该是太累了吧。。晚上,和妹妹到queensbay的Azuma吃日本餐。我非常爱吃日本餐。可能是觉得不太油腻吧。。我点了几道爱吃的菜色。。当然少不了我非常爱吃的'unangi'了。。哈哈。。 太好吃了。。 尤其是它的'sauce'... 很好吃唷。。吃完我们的晚餐,我和妹妹就去shopping.我们还买了自己喜欢的衣服。哈哈。。

Friday, December 3, 2010


今早,煮了金瓜燕麦糊当早餐。味道还不错,我还蛮喜欢的。我煮了很多,所以,就拿了一些给阿姨。不知怎么的,今天我没什么胃口,就没把金瓜喝完。我想是我没胃口,而不是金瓜不好喝吧。。哈哈。。下午,过去jusco的max saloon 洗头发。因为有点懒惰,所以,就没自己洗了。哈哈。。max saloon 有好多人唷,不过,我不需要等很久,就可以洗了。之后,就到secret recipe 买了我爱吃的japanese soba 当晚餐。好好吃唷。。味道很好。份量还蛮大的, 可能是因为肚子饿了,我把它吃完了。

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is Organic Food Expensive?

Organic food is very safe to eat and healthy. It's not just in our body but also in our environment. It's free from harmful chemicals and toxins that may affect in the future if consume. Although we can get benefits from taking organic food, but why the demand is still very low? One of the reasons is the 'price'. Organic food is more expensive than the conventional food.

There are a lot of reasons why the organic food is far expensive than the conventional food. In growing organic foods, the numbers of crops that are being produced are far way smaller than conventional crops. The production costs are very high in organic farming. Many organic farmers don't use herbicides or pesticides so they have to weed some crops like onions and carrots and the entire pest by themselves. This intensive labor is one of the reasons why organic foods are really expensive. Of course, it is justified that organic farmers must sell it in a high price to reward their effort.

Some of the reasons too are that the demand exceeds the supply. So the result is that the people who sell organic foods produces small number of crops than conventional foods while the transport and packaging costs is the same as the conventional foods, this gives the retailers the reason to put it to a higher price. As there are fewer numbers of organic foods, the expense allocated to each crop is higher than that of conventional foods.

As the organic farming requires a lot of things that are not needed in conventional farming, it is justified that the farmers who grow the crops will sell the crops in a much higher price to the consumers. But if the demand for organic foods becomes higher, the government might one day subsidize the organic farming to lessen the cost of organic foods.








We all have dreams... We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place.

What's one of your aspirations? Maybe it's a dream you've forgotten or have begun to relinquish. If that vision were alive today, what would your life be like?

Take a moment now just to dream and to think about what you really want for your life.




笑是治疗疾病最好的方法之一,也是最简单的方法之一,更是幸福生活中不可缺少的元素之一。正如一位哲人说得好:"大笑比一切哲学伟大,有人对生命大笑时,它就懂得了生命。" 因此,要想活得好,你有什么理由不笑?



seafood pasta

今晚, 我和妹妹到北海的一家西餐屋吃我最爱的'seafood pasta'. 味道还不错,我蛮喜欢的。我还分咐厨师加一粒 '蛋' 给我呢。。哈哈。。很好吃。。吃饱后,我们还到附近的一家'有机店' 购买一些食品。太好了,我们还发现这里不但售卖食品, 而且还是一家有机餐厅。虽然,这只是一间小型的有机餐厅, 不过,我很开心,因为又有了一个选择了。哈哈。。

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

